
Lunch Menus

food for thought

The cafeteria manager and staff are available to partner with you to help keep your child safe, along with support from the central office staff. We all have the same goal – to ensure that the food served in the cafeteria is nutritious and safe for all of our students. If your child has special food and nutrition needs, notify your local school nurse to begin the process of developing an Individualized Health Care Plan that is specific to his or her needs.

Food Modifications

For children who require changes to the basic meal (such as special supplements or substitutions) or require modifications in texture (such as chopped, ground or puréed foods), a licensed physician’s written instructions indicating the appropriate changes is required.

Student Allergies

We provide our parents with the information about our school menu products. The allergen information provided is based on our current information from manufacturers and the database. Products served throughout the school year may change based on the availability of commodity and purchased products. Unforeseen circumstances may result in products becoming unavailable or requiring product substitution. The allergen list is updated as new information becomes available.

Managing a Vegetarian Diet at School

What is a vegetarian diet?
Eating a vegetarian diet covers a wide spectrum. A vegetarian diet is a diet free of meat, fish and fowl flesh. There are different types of vegetarians that range from lacto-ovo to lacto-vegetarian to vegans. Some of these versions have stricter restrictions on what animal products they omit from their diet.

Managing a Gluten Free Diet at School

What is a gluten free diet?

A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes the protein gluten. Gluten is found primarily in wheat, rye, and barley. A gluten-free diet is essential for managing signs and symptoms of celiac disease and other medical conditions associated with gluten.

Managing a Vegan Diet at School

What is a vegan diet?

Similar to vegetarians, a vegan diet consist of omitting all animal products and by products such as dairy, eggs and honey.
