
Accommodation Reviews


Enrolment decline, excess space in schools, and aging facilities, are ongoing concerns for many School Boards in Ontario. The DSB must be able to effectively plan for, and respond to, these issues and the resulting impacts on programming. One way is to carry out accommodation reviews. The accommodation review is a process where schools with accommodation issues, such as low enrolment or excess space, are comprehensively reviewed and solutions for improvement are developed. Accommodation reviews are guided by the DSB's Accommodation Review Policy (F-2) and the Ministry of Education's Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (2015).

Community consultation and input is a very important part of the accommodation review. School communities and the public will be notified if an accommodation review is taking place and information on how to participate and provide input will be made available. Students, parents, stakeholders, and the public are encouraged to get involved in the accommodation review process.

Moving forward, the DSB's goal is to continue providing students with the best educational opportunities. The accommodation review process helps to ensure that the Board’s resources are put towards achieving this goal rather than maintaining empty spaces in older buildings.
