Advanced Content

Advanced Learning Programs (ALP)
Students will be given Student Growth Measure exams in all other courses (non-EOC course). These exams will count towards students’ final grades. They can also be followed by a teacher developed assessments (final exams) at the end of the semester, which will also count towards their final grade
Final Exams/Assessments
Comprehensive final assessments (final exams) may be given at the end of some courses and are calculated as 10-20% of the final course grade. Students are not permitted to take final assessments early. If a student misses a final exam, they will receive a 0 on the exam. Approved missed exams must be made up within the first 10 days of the next semester. During exam administration, students must remain in class and will not be allowed to leave early. In case of illness, students may be tested after the scheduled assessment period with administrative approval. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the administrator in charge to make up final assessments.
Exam Exemption Policy
Juniors and Seniors only may exempt an exam if they meet the following criteria:
- Have an A or B and 3 or fewer unexcused absences in the class.
- Have not received ISS or OSS for current semester.
- Have 9 or fewer unexcused combined tardies from classes.
- If s student exempts an exam, they should not be on campus. If students are on campus, they will report to the designated area.
- The following exams MAY NOT be exempted: IB, AP, SGM, and EOC exams.
Red Passes
A red pass is issued to students who are more than ten minutes late, unexcused. Red passes are issued through the attendance office and may be given to students who are tardy from class to class or who have checked into school after 8:30, without an excused note. The red pass signifies that an administrative referral will be submitted for the student. Administration will meet with the student, call the parent, provide time for an excused note to be sent to attendance, and will either clear the referral for the student or issue appropriate disciplinary consequences.
Learner Profiles
What I am
- Curious: I ask question and listen because it is the most effective way to learn.
- Consistent: I understand that success is the result of practice and putting forth my greatest effort every day.
- Principled: I do what is right, regardless of whether anyone is there to see it.
- Empowered: I take ownership of my own learning and understand that the effort I give determines what I get in return.
- Caring: I recognize that communal success is valuable as well as individual success.
- Reflective: I examine myself and my work honestly and use my findings to adapt and to improve.
Who I am
- Leader: I seek to be part of the solution and not just an echo of the problem.
- Risk-Taker: I pursue new and challenging opportunities because temporary discomfort often produces long-term growth.
- Advocate: I have a voice and I use it to speak up for myself and for those that may not.
Courses at CHS
Course | Instructor(s) |
AP English Language | Don Perkins |
AP English Literature | Julie Stevens |
AP Environmental Science | Sandy Harper |
AP Computer Science | Tammy June |
AP World History | George Kent |
AP Psychology | Harold Domm |
AP French Language | Cindy White |
AP Studio Art: 2-D Design | Jessica Kemp |
AP Studio Art: 3-D Design | Dean Walker |
AP Music Theory | Francis Lawrence |