
Partners in Education

Classroom Help

The DSB recognizes that the delivery of information to the home is a responsibility that must be shared by school personnel and students. Parents should provide valid daytime contact numbers. Students in grades 9-12 are expected to transmit written notes, messages, deficiencies, report cards, and other documents between the school and their parents/guardians. School personnel shall be responsible for making reasonable effort in the communication process, including e-mail, written messages, and telephone calls and messages, to bring particular attention to situations where the educational welfare of students may be in jeopardy. 

However, school personnel shall not be held responsible for student problems that develop from the refusal of students to transmit messages from the school to the home. Progress reports/report card dates are posted on the county website.

The administration strongly encourages students and parents to communicate their concerns to teachers as soon as a problem becomes evident. If a student has a concern or a problem in a class, the student should follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. The student should schedule a meeting with the teacher. If the issue is not resolved, the student and parent/guardian should schedule an appointment with the teacher.
  2. If the problem persists, the parent/guardian and teacher should schedule an appointment with the appropriate counselor/administrator. At any time, parents/guardians may access their student’s grades through ParentVUE, an online report. For information on ParentVUE, the main office or counseling department.

Students are encouraged to take an active part in student clubs and organizations. All organizations must be approved by the principal and sponsored by a faculty member. A staff member must be present at all meetings and activities. All club activities, including fundraisers must be approved at least two weeks prior to the event by the principal. Students who receive ISS/OSS within in two weeks of a school wide activity will not be allowed to participate in that activity. (Activities include but are not limited to dances, prom, athletic games, pep rallies, any other school wide assembly). Students participating in extracurricular activities must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the end of the activity.

Parents and Guardians

Students who are involved in extracurricular activities enjoy high visibility and serve as role models for younger students in our school. Therefore, School expects its students to act in accordance with their positions as representatives of the school at all on-campus and off-campus activities. Any discipline infraction two weeks prior to a school wide activity will result in the student not being allowed to participate in the activity. Excessive unexcused tardies beyond five per semester will result in the loss of parking privileges and participation in school wide activities including, but not limited to, school dances, prom, athletic games, and school wide assemblies. A student who uses or possesses illegal drugs or alcohol, on or off school property, shall be suspended from interscholastic/extracurricular activities in compliance with DSB Administrative Rule JJICA. A student who is arrested for or charged with, a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or a felony shall be automatically suspended from interscholastic/extracurricular activities. The student shall remain suspended from these activities until the matter is resolved in favor of the student.
