
Test Page September 3


During the fall and spring semesters, teachers will make core recommendations based on student progress and grades. nik-shuliahin-BWRyS1-KKrs-unsplash-12.jpgElective registration is typically held in January/February in which students will select 8 electives choices. After core and elective choices have been made, students will have the opportunity to preview their course selections/recommendations and submit core/elective changes for the upcoming school year. Scheduling changes and requests will only be honored during course preview.


Students are encouraged to use personal calendars/agendas to record homework assignments and then to refer to the calendar each evening.

Senior Minimum Days

Students classified as seniors and having completed sufficient hours to provide for one unit above the total needed to meet nik-shuliahin-bwrys1-kkrs-unsplash-12.ab1cc28353.jpggraduation requirements may enroll in the Minimum Day/Morning program. It is not permissible for a student to enroll in Minimum Day/Morning and in Mentorship in the same semester.

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Seniors who choose Minimum Day must provide proof of transportation prior to Minimum Day/Morning approval and must be off school premises by the beginning of 4th block daily. Seniors who enroll in Minimum Morning should report to campus in a timely manner for their 2nd block classes. Failure to adhere to requirements could result in removal of Minimum Day/Morning schedule.

Work-Based Initiatives 

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Students who meet the requirements to participate in the work-based Internship program are expected to leave campus at the designated time to report to their places of employment. Internship students are required to check-out with their instructor and to leave campus by the beginning of the first assigned period of Internship.

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Mentorship is a class offered for juniors and seniors on track for graduation. Students must have a 3.0 minimum GPA, administrative approval, good attendance, minimum tardiness and must not have had ISS, or OSS the previous semester. Students may only mentor twice in their high school career. Students cannot abuse mentorship privileges to assist other students and must remain in their assigned location unless directed otherwise by a faculty member.

Student Growth Measure Exams

Students will be given Student Growth Measure exams in all other courses (non-EOC course). These exams will count towards students’ final grades. They can also be followed by a teacher developed assessments (final exams) at the end of the semester, which will also count towards their final grade. 

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Comprehensive final assessments (final exams) may be given at the end of some courses and are calculated as 10-20% of the final course grade. Students are not permitted to take final assessments early. 

If a student misses a final exam, they will receive a 0 on the exam. Approved missed exams must be made up within the first 10 days of the next semester. During exam administration, students must remain in class and will not be allowed to leave early. In case of illness, students may be tested after the scheduled assessment period with administrative approval. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the administrator in charge to make up final assessments.

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